
Broccoli Sprouts

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall Arrives

Costoluto Genovese
It seems as though summer just started, yet autumn is upon us already. We had such a late start to our garden this year. Most of our plants didn't go in until June. Most summers here in Utah leave you begging people to take bags and boxes of garden produce...especially squash. I'm sad to say that this year we have barely eaten any squash, let alone have any to share. My pretty little peach tree gave me only enough peaches for two batches of jam. I actually had to buy a box of peaches and a box of tomatoes from the Farmer's Market. 
Cubanelle Peppers

We DO have a good number of acorn squash and a couple of my new favorite, Rouge Vif D' Etampes Pumpkin. I love the flattened shape, deep ridges, and beautiful red color. I only hope it tastes as good as it looks. Some of the other plants we tried this year that we will definitely plant again next year include: Cubanelle peppers, Hawaiian Current tomatoes, Garden of Eden pole beans, Thai chilies, Costada Romanesco squash, Costoluto Genovese tomatoes, and Tigerella tomatoes.

This year I had my normal luck with melons...NONE! I guess I need to try one more time with melon plants in the front flower bed next year. I also did not care for our Long China cucumbers. They have a lot more seeds than the varieties I normally grow. We also grew Dragon's Egg cucumbers. They are a lot of fun to look at, but very seedy.  
Miah's Sunflower--no Photoshop! Gorgeous!!